Thursday, 8 December 2011


A) The various ways animals ensure the survival of their species
1. Different animals have different ways to ensure the survival of their species.
2. Some of the animals take care of their eggs and young.
3. The picture shows a few animals that takes care of their eggs and young.
     a) Eggs

     b) young

4. Below shows how some animals take care of their eggs and young.
     a) Tilapia fishes
keep their young in their mouth
    b) Birds

feed their young
    c) Frogs

lay slimy eggs
         d) Tigers

attack in order to protect their young when they are disturbed
          e) Turtle

hide their eggs
          f) Kangaroo
carry their young in their pouches
  5. Animals take care of their eggs and young to ensure the survival of their species.               

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